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Boost your savings with a 3.15%* GIC!

Grow your money safely with our limited-time 1-Year Redeemable GIC offer.

Looking for a secure way to grow your savings?

Look no further than our 1-Year Redeemable GIC with a competitive 3.15%* interest rate!

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Guaranteed returns

Your investment is safe, and your interest is guaranteed.

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Competitive, short-term rate

Maximize your returns with our special 3.15%* interest rate. Perfect for those with short-term savings goals.

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Registered and unregistered accounts

Available for various account types (except RESPs), giving you the flexibility you need.

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Personalized service

Experience the friendly and supportive service that sets us apart.

Don't miss out on this limited-time opportunity!

Open your 1-Year Redeemable GIC today by calling our branch or by contacting our Member Service Centre.

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*Rate applies to both registered and non-registered term, excluding RESPs. Non-redeemable. Per annum rates. Rates subject to change at any time. Conditions apply.